Connecting a client to the relay server farm

Once a relay server farm has been properly configured, a client connects to the relay server farm using the following URL:

http://<relay server client extension URI>/<farm>/<application URI>
Option Description
<relay server client extension URI>

For IIS on Windows, <domain name>/ias_relay_server/client/rs_client.dll

For Apache on Linux, <domain name>/cli/iarelayserver

<farm> Identifies the backend farm (a group of backend servers) that relay server forwards the client request to.
<application URI> Application-specific information in the URL. This information is not relevant to MobiLink clients.
SQL Anywhere MobiLink client HTTPS connection example

A SQL Anywhere MobiLink client should specify the following options to connect to server farm F1 using HTTPS:

-e "ctp=https;
		      url_suffix=/ias_relay_server/client/rs_client.dll/F1;certificate_company=Sybase;certificate_unit=Hosted Relay'"
UltraLite MobiLink client HTTPS connection example

An UltraLite MobiLink client should set the following properties in the ULSyncParms class to connect to server farm F1 using HTTPS:

		     url_suffix=/ias_relay_server/client/rs_client.dll/F1;certificate_company=Sybase;certificate_unit=Hosted Relay"
SQL Anywhere MobiLink client HTTP connection example

A SQL Anywhere MobiLink client should specify the following options to connect to server farm F1 using HTTP:

-e "ctp=http;
UltraLite MobiLink client HTTP connection example

An UltraLite MobiLink client should set the following properties in the ULSyncParms class to connect to server farm F1 using HTTP:
