M-Business Anywhere Redirector (deprecated)


The Redirector has been deprecated. In its place, use the Relay Server. See Synchronizing through a web server with the relay server.

The following setup instructions are written for M-Business Anywhere on Windows, Solaris, or Linux.

For information about version support, see [external link] SQL Anywhere Supported Platforms and Engineering Status.

To configure the M-Business Anywhere Redirector

  1. Complete the steps in Configuring Redirector properties (for Redirectors that don't support server groups).

  2. Copy the file mod_iaredirect.dll or mod_iaredirect.so to the M-Business Anywhere \bin directory on the computer that holds the web server. This file is located in the MobiLink\redirector\MBusinessAnywhere subdirectory of your SQL Anywhere installation.

  3. If your web server is on a separate computer from the Redirector, you must copy the following files to that computer and ensure that they are in your path (Windows) or shared path (Unix). The files you need depends on what, if any, encryption you are using.

    The following file locations are relative to your SQL Anywhere installation directory:

    Setup Files required
    ECC encryption
    • Windows: bin32\mlcecc11.dll
    • Unix: lib32/libmlcecc11_r.so
    RSA encryption
    • Windows: bin32\mlcrsa11.dll
    • Unix: lib32/libmlcrsa11_r.so
    RSA encryption with FIPS
    • Windows: bin32\mlcrsafips11.dll and bin32\sbgse2.dll
    • Unix: lib32/libmlcrsafips11_r.so and libsbgse2_r.so
  4. For Windows, update the M-Business Anywhere sync.conf.default web server configuration file as follows:

    • In the LoadModule section, add the following line:
      LoadModule iaredirect_module @@ServerRoot@@/bin/mod_iaredirect.dll
    • In the SyncLoadFile section, add the following line:
      SyncLoadFile @@ServerRoot@@/bin/mod_iaredirect.dll
    • Add the following section to the file:
      <Location /iaredirect/ml>
         SetHandler iaredirect-handler
         iaredirectorConfigFile @@ServerRoot@@/conf/redirector.config
    • Run the setup_defaults.bat command file to build these changes into the sync.conf file.
  5. For Solaris and Linux, update the M-Business Anywhere sync.conf web server configuration file as follows:

    • In the LoadModule section, add the following line:
      LoadModule iaredirect_module path/bin/mod_iaredirect.so

      where path is the location of the M-Business Anywhere bin directory.

    • Add the following section to the file:
      <Location /iaredirect/ml>
         SetHandler iaredirect-handler
         iaredirectorConfigFile location/redirector.config

      where /iaredirect/ml is the relative URL path that you use to invoke the Redirector, and location is the directory where redirector.config is located.

    • You may also want to add the following optional directives to the <Location> section you just created:
      • MaxSyncUsers n   The maximum number of MobiLink users synchronizing through the Redirector. This number is used to allocate necessary resources to the Redirector. This number cannot be less than 60. The default is 1000. Only change this setting if the default number of users is less than the actual number.

      • ShmemDiagnosis on|off   If set to on, allows debugging of the memory resource. The default is off.

  6. To help with debugging, you may want to increase the amount of logging information that the Redirector outputs. To do this, modify the LogLevel directive in sync.conf and set it to LogLevel info. The log level can be (from most to least verbose): debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit, alert, and emerg.

  7. Restart your M-Business Sync Server for the changes to take effect.


Following are examples of the sections of sync.conf that configure the M-Business Anywhere web server to route requests to the MobiLink server.

This example works on Windows:

LoadModule iaredirect_module "c:\program files\M-Business Anywhere/bin/mod_iaredirect.dll"
SyncLoadFile "c:\program files\M-Business Anywhere/bin/mod_iaredirect.dll"
<Location \iaredirect\ml>
    SetHandler iaredirect-handler
    iaredirectorConfigFile "c:\AvantGoServer\conf/redirector.config"

The following example works on UNIX and Linux:

LoadModule iaredirect_module modules/mod_iaredirect.so
<Location /iaredirect/ml>
    SetHandler iaredirect-handler
    iaredirectorConfigFile "/redirector.config"

To test your configuration

  1. Call the Redirector using the following syntax:


    where iaredirect is the path you specified in the <Location> tag of sync.conf.

  2. Check the log files sync_access.log and sync_error.log to verify that the Redirector logged a request.

    Note: This test does not make a connection to the MobiLink server.