
This table is used only for QAnywhere applications. It contains a history of message status changes.


Do not alter this table.

Column Description
msgid VARCHAR(128). A globally unique message identifier.
address VARCHAR(255). The address of the target recipient.
status INTEGER. The status of the message. Can be 1 (pending), 10 (receiving), 30 (expired), 40 (cancelled), 50 (unreceivable), or 60 (received).
statustime TIMESTAMP. The time this status was achieved. The time is local to the client achieving the state.
servertime TIMESTAMP. The time the status change was received by the server.
details VARCHAR(1000). The details of the status change, if any.
syncstatus INTEGER. The state of the synchronization between the client and server with respect to this message. Can be 0 (not in sync), 1 (in sync), 2 (message should not be synchronized), or 3 (synchronizing).

PRIMARY KEY( msgid )

FOREIGN KEY( msgid ) REFERENCES ml_qa_repository( msgid )