Handling direct uploads

To handle direct uploads, complete the following steps:

To handle direct uploads

  1. Register a Java or .NET method for the handle_UploadData connection event.

  2. Write a method for the handle_UploadData synchronization event. This event accepts one UploadData parameter. See:

The handle_UploadData event is usually called once per synchronization. However, for SQL Anywhere clients that use transaction-level uploads, there can be more than one upload per synchronization, in which case handle_UploadData is called once per transaction.

For more information about dbmlsync transaction-level uploads, see -tu option.

For general information about writing Java or .NET synchronization scripts, see:

For information about registering connection-level events, see:

Classes for direct uploads

The MobiLink server APIs for Java and .NET provide the following interfaces for handling direct uploads:

  • UploadData   Encapsulates a single upload transaction. An upload transaction contains a set of tables containing row operations. See:

  • UploadedTableData   Encapsulates a table's insert, update, and delete operations uploaded by a MobiLink client. For Java, UploadedTableData methods return an instance of an UpdateResultSet. For .NET, UploadedTableData methods return an instance of an UpdateDataReader interface. You traverse the result set IDataReaders to process the uploaded row operations. See:

  • UpdateResultSet   For Java, this class represents an update result set returned by the UploadedTableData getUpdates method. It extends java.sql.ResultSet to include special methods for retrieving the new and old versions of an updated row.

    See UpdateResultSet.

    For .NET, the UpdateDataReader interface represents a set of rows returned by the UploadedTableData GetUpdates method. It extends IDataReader to include special methods for retrieving the new and old versions of an updated row.

    See UpdateDataReader interface.


See handle_UploadData connection event.

Handling conflicts for direct uploads