getMetaData method

public java.sql.ResultSetMetaData getMetaData( )

Gets the metadata for the DownloadTableData instance. The metadata is a standard java.sql.ResultSetMetaData object.

If you want the metadata to contain column name information, specify in your client that column names should be sent with the upload.

Consult your Java SDK documentation for more information about java.sql.ResultSetMetaData.


The metadata for the DownloadTableData instance.

See also

The following example shows you how get the number of columns used in the query for the DownloadTableData instance.

import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;

// The method used to return the number of columns in a DownloadTableData instance query
public int getNumColumns( DownloadTableData td ) {
  ResultSetMetaData rsmd = td.getMetaData();
  return rsmd.getColumnCount();