getDownloadTables method

public DownloadTableData[ ] getDownloadTables( )

Gets an array of all the tables for download data in this synchronization. The operations performed on this table are sent to the remote database.


An array of DownloadTableData objects for the current synchronization. The order of tables in the array is the same as the upload order of the remote.

See also

The following example uses the DownloadData.getDownloadTables method to obtain an array of DownloadTableData objects for the current synchronization. The example assumes you have a DBConnectionContext instance called _cc.

// The method used for the handle_DownloadData event.
public void handleDownload()
  throws SQLException {
  // Get the DownloadData for the current synchronization.
  DownloadData my_dd = _cc.getDownloadData();
  // Get an array of tables to set download operations.
  DownloadTableData[] download_tables = my_dd.getDownloadTables();

  // Get the first table in the DownloadTableData array.
  DownloadTableData my_download_table = download_tables[0];
   // ...
