Automatic validation

Before applying a download file, dbmlsync performs special checks on the last download timestamp, next last download timestamp, download file creation time, and transaction log.

Last download timestamp and next last download timestamp

Each download file contains all changes to be downloaded that occurred on the consolidated database between the file's last download timestamp, and its next last download timestamp. Both times are expressed in terms of the time at the consolidated database. By default the file's last download time is Jan 1, 1900 12:00 AM and the file's next last download timestamp is the time the download file was created. These defaults can be overridden by implementing the modify_last_download_timestamp and modify_next_last_download_timestamp scripts on the consolidated database.

A remote site can apply a download file only if the file's last download timestamp is less than or equal to the remote's last download timestamp. This ensures that a remote never misses operations that occur on the consolidated database. Usually when a file-based download fails based on this check, the remote has missed one or more download files. The situation can be corrected by applying the missing download files or by performing a full or download-only synchronization.

In addition, a remote site can apply a download file only if the file's next last download timestamp is greater than the remote's last download timestamp. The remote's last download timestamp is the time (at the consolidated database) up to which the remote has received all changes that are to be downloaded. The remote database's last download time is updated each time the remote successfully applies a download (normal or file-based). This check ensures that a download file is not applied if more recent data has already been downloaded. A common case where this could happen occurs when download files are applied out of order. For example, suppose a download file F1.df is created, and another file F2.df is created later. This check ensures that F1.df cannot be applied after F2.df, because that could allow newer data in F2.df to be overwritten with older data in F1.df.

When a file-based download fails based on the next last download timestamp, no additional action is required other than to delete the file. Synchronization succeeds once a new file is received.

Creation time

The download file's creation time indicates the time at the consolidated database when creation of the file began. A download file can only be applied if the file's creation time is greater than the remote database's last upload time. The remote's last upload time is the time at the consolidated database when the remote's last successful upload was committed. This check ensures that data that has been uploaded after the creation of the download (and hence is newer than the download) is not overwritten by older data in the download file.

When a download file is rejected based on this check, no action is required. The remote site should be able to apply the next download file.

When an upload fails because dbmlsync did not receive an acknowledgement after sending an upload to the MobiLink server, the remote database's last upload time may be incorrect. In this case, the creation time check cannot be performed and the remote is unable to apply download files until it completes a normal synchronization.

Transaction log

Before applying a download file, dbmlsync scans the remote database's transaction log and builds up a list of all changes that must be uploaded. Dbmlsync only applies a download file if it does not contain any operations that affect rows with changes that must be uploaded.