iAnywhere Solutions Oracle driver

The iAnywhere Solutions 11 - Oracle ODBC driver is custom-tailored for use with iAnywhere software. This driver does not work with third-party software.

If you use Oracle with MobiLink or OMNI, you must install an Oracle client on the same machine as this Oracle driver.

The Oracle driver can be configured using the ODBC Administrator, the .odbc.ini file (in Unix), or the dbdsn utility.

The following table provides the configuration options for the Oracle driver.

Windows ODBC Administrator Configuration for dbdsn command line or .odbc.ini file Description
Data source name For dbdsn, use the -w option. A name to identify your data source.
User ID


In dbdsn, set this option in the connection string.

The default logon ID that the application uses to connect to your Oracle database. If you leave this field blank, you are prompted for the information when you connect.


In dbdsn, set this option in the connection string.

The password that the application uses to connect to your Oracle database. If you leave this field blank, you are prompted for the information when you connect.
SID SID The Oracle System Identifier that refers to the instance of Oracle running on the server. The SID is stored in network/admin/tnsnames.ora under your Oracle installation directory.
Enable Microsoft distributed transactions

For dbdsn, use the enableMSDIC option in the connection string.

Not supported for .odbc.ini.

Select this checkbox if you want to enlist your transactions in the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator. When selected, the Oracle ODBC driver requires an Oracle binary file, oramts.dll for Oracle 9i clients or oramts10.dll for Oracle 10g clients.
Encrypt Password

For dbdsn, use the -pe option.

Not supported for .odbc.ini.

Select this checkbox if you want the password to be stored in encrypted form in the data source.
Procedures Return Results


In dbdsn, set this option in the connection string.

Select this field if your stored procedures can return results. The default is that procedures do not return results (not selected). If your download_cursor or download_delete_cursor scripts are stored procedure invocations, set this to yes.
Array Size


In dbdsn, set this option in the connection string.

The size, in bytes, of the byte array used to pre-fetch rows, on a per-statement basis. The default is 60000. Increasing this value can significantly improve fetch performance (such as during MobiLink server downloads) at the cost of extra memory allocation.
Windows configuration

To create a DSN for the Oracle driver in Windows

  1. Open the ODBC Administrator:

    • Choose Start » Programs » SQL Anywhere 11 » ODBC Administrator.

    The ODBC Data Source Administrator appears.

  2. Click Add.

    The Create New Data Source window appears.

  3. Choose iAnywhere Solutions 11 - Oracle.

    The Driver Setup window appears.

  4. Specify the configuration options you need. The fields are explained above.

  5. Click Test Connection, and then click OK.

Unix configuration

On Unix, if you are setting up the driver in an ODBC system information file (typically called .odbc.ini), the section for this driver should appear as follows (with appropriate values entered for each field):


For an explanation of each field, see above.

DBDSN configuration

To create an Oracle DSN with the dbdsn utility, use the following syntax:

dbdsn -w data-source-name -or -c configuration-options

The configuration-options are described above.

For example:

dbdsn -w MyOracleDSN -or -pe -c Userid=dba;Password=sql;SID=abcd;ArraySize=100000;ProcResults=y;enableMSDIC=n

See Data Source utility (dbdsn).

See also