Key factors influencing MobiLink performance

The overall performance of any system, including throughput for MobiLink synchronization, is usually limited by a bottleneck at one point in the system. For MobiLink synchronization, the following might be the bottlenecks limiting synchronization throughput:

  • The performance of the consolidated database   Of particular importance for MobiLink is the speed at which the consolidated database can execute the MobiLink scripts. Multiple database worker threads might execute scripts simultaneously, so for best throughput you need to avoid database contention in your synchronization scripts.

  • The number of MobiLink database worker threads   A smaller number of threads involve fewer database connections, less chance of contention in the consolidated database and less operating system overhead. However, too small a number may leave clients waiting for a free database worker thread, or have fewer connections to the consolidated database than it can overlap efficiently.

  • The bandwidth for client-to-MobiLink communications   For slow connections, such as those over dial-up or wide-area wireless networks, the network may cause clients and MobiLink servers to wait for data to be transferred.

  • The client processing speed   Slow client processing speed is more likely to be a bottleneck in downloads than uploads, since downloads involve more client processing as rows and indexes are written.

  • The bandwidth for MobiLink to consolidated communication   This is unlikely to be a bottleneck if both MobiLink and the consolidated database are running on the same computer, or if they are on separate computers connected by a high-speed network.

  • The speed of the computer running the MobiLink server   If the processing power of the computer running MobiLink is slow, or if it does not have sufficient memory for the MobiLink worker threads and buffers, then MobiLink execution speed could be a synchronization bottleneck. The MobiLink server's performance depends little on disk speed as long as the buffers and worker threads fit in physical memory.

Tuning MobiLink for performance