Connection scripts

Connection-level scripts control high level events that are not associated with a particular table. Use these events to perform global tasks that are required during every synchronization.

Connection scripts control actions centered on connecting and disconnecting, as well as actions at synchronization-level events such as beginning and ending the upload or download process. Some connection scripts have related table scripts. These connection scripts are always invoked regardless of the tables being synchronized.

You only need to write a connection-level script when some action must occur at a particular event. You may need to create scripts for only a few events. The default action at any event is for the MobiLink server to perform no actions. Some simple synchronization schemes need no connection scripts.

ml_global script version

To save you from defining the same scripts multiple times, you can define connection-level scripts once and then re-use them. You do this by defining a script version called ml_global.

See ml_global script version.