UploadRow event

The UploadRow event is triggered when a row is uploaded to the MobiLink server.

Public Event UploadRow(
  ByVal rowData As DbmlsyncCOM.IRowTransferData
Member of DbmlsyncCOM.Dbmlsync

rowData   An IRowTransferData object containing detailed information about the uploaded row.

See IRowTransferData interface.


Use this event to examine rows being uploaded to the MobiLink server.

To enable the UploadRow event, use the UploadEventsEnabled property. See UploadEventsEnabled property.


The following Visual Basic .NET example iterates through all the columns for a row in the UploadRow event. It determines if a column value is null and outputs column names and values.

Private Sub dbmlsync1_UploadRow(
 ByVal rowData As DbmlsyncCOM.IRowTransferData
Handles dbmlsync1.UploadRow

Dim liX As Integer
For liX = 0 To rowData.ColumnCount - 1
    If VarType(rowData.ColumnValue(liX)) <> VariantType.Null Then
        ' output the non-null column value
        MsgBox("Column " + CStr(liX) + ": " + rowData.ColumnName(liX) + _
        ", " + CStr(rowData.ColumnValue(liX)))
        ' output 'NULL' for the column value
        MsgBox("Column " + CStr(liX) + ": " + rowData.ColumnName(liX) + _
        ", " + "NULL")
    End If
Next liX

End Sub