ShutdownServer method

Shuts down the dbmlsync server to which the client is connected.

Boolean ShutdownServer(DBSC_ShutdownType how)

The Shutdown method returns immediately but there may be some delay before the server actually shuts down.

The WaitForServerShutdown method can be used to wait until the server actually shuts down.

  • how   Indicates how urgently the server should be shutdown. The following values are supported:

    • DBSC_SHUTDOWN_ON_EMPTY_QUEUE   Indicates that the server should complete any outstanding synchronization requests and then shutdown. Once the server receives the shutdown request, it does not accept any more synchronization requests.

    • DBSC_SHUTDOWN_CLEANLY   Indicates that the server should shutdown cleanly, as quickly as possible. If there are outstanding synchronization requests, they are not performed and if there is a running synchronization it may be interrupted.

Return value

Returns true if a shutdown request was successfully sent to the server.

Returns false if a shutdown request could not be sent. When false is returned, you can call the GetErrorInfo method to get more information about the failure. See GetErrorInfo method.