Creating MobiLink users

A MobiLink user name is used to authenticate when you connect to the MobiLink server. You must create MobiLink users in the remote database, and then register them on the consolidated database.

MobiLink users are not the same as database users. You can create a MobiLink user name that matches the name of a database user, but neither MobiLink nor SQL Anywhere is affected by this coincidence.

To add a MobiLink user to a remote database (Sybase Central Admin mode)

  1. Connect to the database from the SQL Anywhere plug-in as a user with DBA authority.

  2. Click the MobiLink Users folder.

  3. From the File menu, choose New » User.

    The Create User Wizard appears.

  4. Enter a name for the MobiLink user.

  5. Click Finish.

To add a MobiLink user to a remote database (SQL)

  1. Connect to the database as a user with DBA authority.

  2. Execute a CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION USER statement. The MobiLink user name uniquely identifies a remote database and so must be unique within your synchronization system.

    The following example adds a MobiLink user named SSinger:


    You can specify properties for the MobiLink user as part of the CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION USER statement, or you can specify them separately with an ALTER SYNCHRONIZATION USER statement.

    For more information, see CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION USER statement [MobiLink].

    For information about setting MobiLink user properties, including the password, see Storing extended options for MobiLink users.

For information about registering MobiLink users, see Adding MobiLink user names to the consolidated database.

Storing extended options for MobiLink users
Dropping MobiLink users