Configuring SQL Anywhere remote databases for ActiveSync

To configure your SQL Anywhere remote database for ActiveSync

  1. Select a synchronization type (TCP/IP, TLS, HTTP, or HTTPS).

    The synchronization type can be set for a synchronization publication, for a synchronization user, or for a synchronization subscription. It is set in a similar manner for each. Here is part of a typical CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION USER statement:

    TYPE tcpip
  2. Supply an address clause to specify communication between the MobiLink provider for ActiveSync and the MobiLink server.

    For HTTP or TCP/IP synchronization, the ADDRESS clause of the CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION USER or CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION SUBSCRIPTION statement specifies communication between the MobiLink client and server. For ActiveSync, the communication takes place in two stages: from the dbmlsync utility on the device to the MobiLink provider for ActiveSync on the desktop machine, and from desktop machine to the MobiLink server. The ADDRESS clause specifies the communication between MobiLink provider for ActiveSync and the MobiLink server.

    The following statement specifies TCP/IP communication to a MobiLink server on a machine named kangaroo:

    TYPE tcpip
    ADDRESS 'host=kangaroo;port=2439'

    For more information, see CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION USER statement [MobiLink].