Using ranges in the WHERE clause

The BETWEEN keyword specifies an inclusive range, in which the lower value and the upper value are searched for as well as the values they bracket.

To list all the products with prices between $10 and $15, inclusive

  • Enter the following query:

    SELECT Name, UnitPrice
       FROM Products
       WHERE UnitPrice BETWEEN 10 AND 15;
Name UnitPrice
Tee Shirt 14
Tee Shirt 14
Baseball Cap 10
Shorts 15

You can use NOT BETWEEN to find all the rows that are not inside the range.

To list all the products cheaper than $10 or more expensive than $15

  • Execute the following query:

    SELECT Name, UnitPrice
       FROM Products
       WHERE UnitPrice NOT BETWEEN 10 AND 15;
Name UnitPrice
Tee Shirt 9
Baseball Cap 9
Visor 7
Visor 7
... ...