Connectivity tests

Take the following steps to be sure you can connect to a remote server:

  • Determine that you can connect to a remote server using a client tool such as Interactive SQL before configuring SQL Anywhere.
  • Perform a simple passthrough statement to a remote server to check your connectivity and remote login configuration. For example:
    FORWARD TO RemoteSA {SELECT @@version};
  • Turn on remote tracing for a trace of the interactions with remote servers. For example:
    SET OPTION cis_option = 7;

    Once you have turned on remote tracing, the tracing information appears in the database server messages window. You can log this output to a file by specifying the -o server option when you start the database server.

    For more information about the cis_option option, see cis_option option [database].

    For more information about the -o server option, see -o server option.