Remote table mappings

SQL Anywhere presents tables to a client application as if all the data in the tables were stored in the database to which the application is connected. Internally, when a query involving remote tables is executed, the storage location is determined, and the remote location is accessed so that data can be retrieved.

To have remote tables appear as local tables to the client, you create local proxy tables that map to the remote data.

To create a proxy table

  1. Define the server where the remote data is located. This specifies the type of server and location of the remote server. See Working with remote servers.

  2. Map the local user login information to the remote server user login information if the logins on the two servers are different. See Working with external logins.

  3. Create the proxy table definition. This specifies the mapping of a local proxy table to the remote table. This includes the server where the remote table is located, the database name, owner name, table name, and column names of the remote table.

For more information, see Working with proxy tables.

Administering remote table mappings

To manage remote table mappings and remote server definitions, you can use Sybase Central or you can use a tool such as Interactive SQL to execute the SQL statements.


Some remote servers, such as Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, and Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise do not preserve cursors across COMMITs and ROLLBACKS. With these remote servers, you cannot use the Data tab in the SQL Anywhere plug-in to view or modify the contents of a proxy table. However, you can still use Interactive SQL to view and edit the data in these proxy tables as long as autocommit is turned off (this is the default behavior in Interactive SQL). Other RDBMSs, including Oracle, DB/2, and SQL Anywhere do not have this limitation.