Using Sybase Central to translate stored procedures

Sybase Central has facilities for creating, viewing, and altering procedures and triggers.

To translate a stored procedure using Sybase Central

  1. Connect to a database using Sybase Central, either as owner of the procedure you want to change, or as a DBA user.

  2. Open the Procedures & Functions folder.

  3. Click the SQL tab in the right pane and then click in the editor.

  4. From the File menu, choose one of the Translate To commands, depending on the dialect you want to use.

    The procedure appears in the right pane in the selected dialect. If the selected dialect is not the one in which the procedure is stored, the server translates it to that dialect. Any untranslated lines appear as comments.

  5. Rewrite any untranslated lines as needed.

  6. When finished, choose File » Save to save the translated version to the database. You can also export the text to a file for editing outside of Sybase Central.