Subqueries in the HAVING clause

Although you usually use subqueries as search conditions in the WHERE clause, sometimes you can also use them in the HAVING clause of a query. When a subquery appears in the HAVING clause, like any expression in the HAVING clause, it is used as part of the row group selection.

Here is a request that lends itself naturally to a query with a subquery in the HAVING clause: "Which products' average in-stock quantity is more than double the average number of each item ordered per customer?"

SELECT Name, AVG( Quantity )
FROM Products
HAVING AVG( Quantity ) > 2* (
   SELECT AVG( Quantity )
   FROM SalesOrderItems 
name AVG( Products.Quantity )
Baseball Cap 62.000000
Shorts 80.000000
Tee Shirt 52.333333

The query executes as follows:

  • The subquery calculates the average quantity of items in the SalesOrderItems table.
  • The main query then goes through the Products table, calculating the average quantity per product, grouping by product name.
  • The HAVING clause then checks if each average quantity is more than double the quantity found by the subquery. If so, the main query returns that row group; otherwise, it doesn't.
  • The SELECT clause produces one summary row for each group, displaying the name of each product and its in-stock average quantity.

You can also use outer references in a HAVING clause, as shown in the following example, a slight variation on the one above.


This example finds the product ID numbers and line ID numbers of those products whose average ordered quantities is more than half the in-stock quantities of those products.

SELECT ProductID, LineID
FROM SalesOrderItems
GROUP BY ProductID, LineID
HAVING 2* AVG( Quantity ) > (
   SELECT Quantity
   FROM Products
   WHERE Products.ID = SalesOrderItems.ProductID );
ProductID LineID
601 3
601 2
601 1
600 2
... ...

In this example, the subquery must produce the in-stock quantity of the product corresponding to the row group being tested by the HAVING clause. The subquery selects records for that particular product, using the outer reference SalesOrderItems.ProductID.

A subquery with a comparison returns a single value

This query uses the comparison >, suggesting that the subquery must return exactly one value. In this case, it does. Since the ID field of the Products table is a primary key, there is only one record in the Products table corresponding to any particular product ID.