Rebuild considerations

The rebuild (unload and reload) and extract procedures rebuild databases and create new databases from part of an old one. Before rebuilding a database, you should consider how to go about the process.

Consideration... For information, see...
What is involved in rebuilding a database

Rebuilding databases

Reasons to rebuild databases

The available tools for rebuilding Rebuild and reload tools
The impact that rebuilding has on the database users Minimizing downtime during rebuilding
Whether or not the database is involved in synchronization or replication

Rebuilding databases involved in synchronization or replication

Rebuilding databases not involved in synchronization or replication

Changing the collation sequence of the database Changing a database from one collation to another
Whether materialized views need to be refreshed Refreshing manual views

Rebuilding databases not involved in synchronization or replication
Rebuilding databases involved in synchronization or replication