Objects that can be locked

To ensure database consistency and to support appropriate isolation levels between transactions, SQL Anywhere uses the following types of locks:

  • Schema locks   These locks control the ability to make schema changes. For example, a transaction can lock the schema of a table, preventing other transactions from modifying the table's structure.

  • Row locks   These locks are used to ensure consistency between concurrent transactions at a row level. For example, a transaction can lock a particular row to prevent another transaction from changing it, and a transaction must place a write lock on a row if it intends to modify the row.

  • Table locks   These locks are used to ensure consistency between concurrent transactions at a table level. For example, a transaction that is changing the structure of a table by inserting a new column can lock a table so that other transactions are not affected by the schema change. In such a case, it is essential to limit the access of other transactions to prevent errors.

  • Position locks   These locks are used to ensure consistency within a sequential or indexed scan of a table. Transactions typically scan rows using the ordering imposed by an index, or scan rows sequentially. In either case, a lock can be placed on the scan position. For example, placing a lock in an index can prevent another transaction from inserting a row with a specific value or range of values.

Schema locks provide a mechanism to prevent schema changes from inadvertently affecting executing transactions. Row locks, table locks, and position locks each have a separate purpose, but they do interact. Each lock type prevents a particular set of inconsistencies. Depending on the isolation level you select, the database server uses some or all of these lock types to maintain the degree of consistency you require.

Lock duration

The different classes of locks can be held for different durations:

  • Position   Short-term locks, such as read locks on specific rows used to implement cursor stability at isolation level 1.

  • Transaction   Row, table, and position locks that are held until the end of a transaction.

  • Connection   Schema locks that are held beyond the end of a transaction, such as schema locks created when WITH HOLD cursors are used.