Key joins of table expression lists

To generate a join condition for the key join of two table expression lists, SQL Anywhere examines the pairs of tables in the statement, and generates a join condition for each pair. The final join condition is the conjunction of the join conditions for each pair. There must be a foreign key relationship between each pair.

The following example joins two table-pairs, A-C and B-C.


SQL Anywhere generates a join condition for joining C with (A,B) by generating a join condition for each of the two pairs A-C and B-C. It does so according to the rules for key joins when there are multiple foreign key relationships:

  • For each pair, SQL Anywhere looks for a foreign key that has the same role name as the correlation name of the primary key table. If there is exactly one foreign key meeting this criterion, it uses it. If there is more than one, the join is considered to be ambiguous and an error is issued.
  • For each pair, if there is no foreign key with the same name as the correlation name of the table, SQL Anywhere looks for any foreign key relationship between the tables. If there is one, it uses it. If there is more than one, the join is considered to be ambiguous and an error is issued.
  • For each pair, if there is no foreign key relationship, an error is issued.
  • If SQL Anywhere is able to determine exactly one join condition for each pair, it combines the join conditions using AND.

See also Key joins when there are multiple foreign key relationships.


The following query returns the names of all salespeople who have sold at least one order to a specific region.

SELECT DISTINCT Employees.Surname,
FROM ( SalesOrders, Departments 
        AS FK_DepartmentID_DepartmentID )
    KEY JOIN Employees;
Surname DepartmentName Region
Chin Sales Eastern
Chin Sales Western
Chin Sales Central
... ... ...

This query deals with two pairs of tables: SalesOrders and Employees; and Departments AS FK_DepartmentID_DepartmentID and Employees.

For the pair SalesOrders and Employees, there is no foreign key with the same role name as one of the tables. However, there is a foreign key (FK_SalesRepresentative_EmployeeID) relating the two tables. It is the only foreign key relating the two tables, and so it is used, resulting in the generated join condition ( Employees.EmployeeID = SalesOrders.SalesRepresentative ).

For the pair Departments AS FK_DepartmentID_DepartmentID and Employees, there is one foreign key that has the same role name as the primary key table. It is FK_DepartmentID_DepartmentID, and it matches the correlation name given to the Departments table in the query. There are no other foreign keys with the same name as the correlation name of the primary key table, so FK_DepartmentID_DepartmentID is used to form the join condition for the table-pair. The join condition that is generated is (Employees.DepartmentID = FK_DepartmentID_DepartmentID.DepartmentID). Note that there is another foreign key relating the two tables, but as it has a different name from either of the tables, it is not a factor.

The final join condition adds together the join condition generated for each table-pair. Therefore, the following query is equivalent:

SELECT DISTINCT Employees.Surname, 
FROM ( SalesOrders, Departments )
    JOIN Employees
    ON Employees.EmployeeID = SalesOrders.SalesRepresentative
    AND Employees.DepartmentID = Departments.DepartmentID;