Prefix searching

When performing a full text search for a prefix, the database server uses a text index to find all rows that contain terms matching the prefix. Columns specified in a CONTAINS clause must be part of a text index. See Text indexes.

For example, suppose you want to search the Employees table for employees who live on a street that starts with haw. You can query the Employees table as follows:

SELECT Surname, Street, City 
   FROM Employees 
   WHERE CONTAINS ( Street, 'haw*' );
Surname Street City
Francis 127 Hawthorne Drive Scarborough

An employee with the street name Haw, Hawthorpe, or Hawk would also be returned. Employees with the street names Shaw or Chawdrie, are not returned.

Individual terms in a phrase can be prefixes. For example, the phrase ' "12* haw*" ' is acceptable.