Step 3: Normalize the data

Normalization is a series of tests that eliminate redundancy in the data and make sure the data is associated with the correct entity or relationship. There are five tests. This section presents the first three of them. These three tests are the most important and so are the most frequently used.

Why normalize?

The goals of normalization are to remove redundancy and to improve consistency. For example, if you store a customer's address in multiple locations, it is difficult to update all copies correctly when they move.

For more information about the normalization tests, see a book on database design.

Normal forms

There are several tests for data normalization. When your data passes the first test, it is considered to be in first normal form. When it passes the second test, it is in second normal form, and when it passes the third test, it is in third normal form.

To normalize data in a database

  1. List the data.

    • Identify at least one key for each entity. Each entity must have an identifier.
    • Identify keys for relationships. The keys for a relationship are the keys from the two entities that it joins.
    • Check for calculated data in your supporting data list. Calculated data is not normally stored in a relational database.
  2. Put the data in first normal form.

    • If an attribute can have several different values for the same entry, remove these repeated values.
    • Create one or more entities or relationships with the data that you remove.
  3. Put the data in second normal form.

    • Identify entities and relationships with keys consisting of more than one attribute.
    • Remove data that depends on only one part of the key.
    • Create one or more entities and relationships with the data that you remove.
  4. Put the data in third normal form.

    • Remove data that depends on other data in the entity or relationship, not on the key.
    • Create one or more entities and relationships with the data that you remove.
Data and identifiers

Before you begin to normalize (test your design), simply list the data and identify a unique identifier for each table. The identifier can be made up of one piece of data (attribute) or several (a compound identifier).

The identifier is the set of attributes that uniquely identifies each row in an entity. For example, the identifier for the Employee entity is the Employee ID attribute. The identifier for the Works In relationship consists of the Office Code and Employee ID attributes.

You can make an identifier for each relationship in your database by taking the identifiers from each of the entities that it connects. In the following table, the attributes identified with an asterisk are the identifiers for the entity or relationship.

Entity or relationship Attributes

*Office code

Office address

Phone number

Works in

*Office code

*Employee ID


*Department ID

Department name


*Department ID

*Employee ID

Member of

*Department ID

*Employee ID


*Skill ID

Skill name

Skill description

Expert in

*Skill ID

*Employee ID

Skill level

Date acquired


*Employee ID

Last name

First name

Social security number


Phone number

Date of birth

Putting data in first normal form
  • To test for first normal form, look for attributes that can have repeating values.
  • Remove attributes when multiple values can apply to a single item. Move these repeating attributes to a new entity.

In the entity below, Phone number can repeat—an office can have more than one telephone number.

The office and phone entity contains office code, office address, and phone number.

Remove the repeating attribute and make a new entity called Telephone. Set up a relationship between Office and Telephone.

The Office entity contains an office code and office address. The Telephone entity contains telephone numbers. The relationships are: an office has telephones, and telephones are located in an office.
Putting data in second normal form
  • Remove data that does not depend on the whole key.
  • Look only at entities and relationships with an identifier that is composed of more than one attribute. To test for second normal form, remove any data that does not depend on the whole identifier. Each attribute should depend on all of the attributes that comprise the identifier.

In this example, the identifier of the Employee and Department entity is composed of two attributes. Some of the data does not depend on both identifier attributes; for example, the department name depends on only one of those attributes, Department ID, and Employee first name depends only on Employee ID.

The Employee and Department entity contains employee ID, department ID, employee first name, employee last name, and department name.

Move the identifier Department ID, which the other employee data does not depend on, to an entity of its own called Department. Also move any attributes that depend on it. Create a relationship between Employee and Department.

Employees work in a department, and a department contains employees.
Putting data in third normal form
  • Remove data that doesn't depend directly on the key.
  • To test for third normal form, remove any attributes that depend on other attributes, rather than directly on the identifier.

In this example, the Employee and Office entity contains some attributes that depend on its identifier, Employee ID. However, attributes such as Office location and Office phone depend on another attribute, Office code. They do not depend directly on the identifier, Employee ID.

The Employee and Office entity contains employee ID, employee first name, employee last name, office code, office location, and office phone.

Remove Office code and those attributes that depend on it. Make another entity called Office. Then, create a relationship that connects Employee with Office.

The Employee entity contains employee ID, employee first name, and employee last name. The Office entity contains office code, office location, and office phone. The relationship is: employees work out of an office, and offices house employees.