Where common table expressions are permitted

Common table expression definitions are permitted in only three places, although they may be referenced throughout the body of the query or in any subqueries.

  • Top-level SELECT statement   Common table expressions are permitted within top-level SELECT statements, but not within subqueries.
    WITH DeptPayroll( DepartmentID, amt ) AS
      ( SELECT DepartmentID, SUM( Salary ) AS amt
        FROM Employees GROUP BY DepartmentID )
    SELECT DepartmentID, amt
    FROM DeptPayroll
    WHERE amt = ( SELECT MAX( amt )
                  FROM DeptPayroll );

  • The top-level SELECT statement in a view definition   Common table expressions are permitted within the top-level SELECT statement that defines a view, but not within subqueries within the definition.
    CREATE VIEW LargestDept ( DepartmentID, Size, pay ) AS
         CountEmployees( DepartmentID, n ) AS
           ( SELECT DepartmentID, COUNT( * ) AS n
             FROM Employees GROUP BY DepartmentID ),
         DeptPayroll( DepartmentID, amt ) AS
           ( SELECT DepartmentID, SUM( Salary ) AS amt
             FROM Employees GROUP BY DepartmentID )
      SELECT count.DepartmentID, count.n, pay.amt
      FROM CountEmployees count JOIN DeptPayroll pay
      ON count.DepartmentID = pay.DepartmentID
      WHERE count.n = ( SELECT MAX( n ) FROM CountEmployees )
         OR pay.amt = ( SELECT MAX( amt ) FROM DeptPayroll );

  • A top-level SELECT statement in an INSERT statement   Common table expressions are permitted within a top-level SELECT statement in an INSERT statement, but not within subqueries within the INSERT statement.
    CREATE TABLE LargestPayrolls ( DepartmentID INTEGER, Payroll NUMERIC, CurrentDate DATE );
    INSERT INTO LargestPayrolls( DepartmentID, Payroll, CurrentDate )
      WITH DeptPayroll( DepartmentID, amt ) AS
        ( SELECT DepartmentID, SUM( Salary ) AS amt
          FROM Employees
          GROUP BY DepartmentID )
      FROM DeptPayroll
      WHERE amt = ( SELECT MAX( amt )
                    FROM DeptPayroll );