Index information in the catalog

The ISYSIDX system table provides a list of all indexes in the database, including primary and foreign key indexes. Additional information about the indexes is found in the ISYSPHYSIDX, ISYSIDXCOL, and ISYSFKEY system views. You can use Sybase Central or Interactive SQL to browse the views for these tables in order to see the data they contain.

Following is a brief overview of how index information is stored in the system tables:

  • ISYSIDX system table   The central table for tracking indexes, each row in the ISYSIDX system table defines a logical index (PKEY, FKEY, UNIQUE constraint, Secondary index) in the database. See SYSIDX system view and Index sharing using logical indexes.

  • ISYSPHYSIDX system table   Each row in the ISYSPHYSIDX system table defines a physical index in the database. See SYSPHYSIDX system view and Index sharing using logical indexes.

  • ISYSIDXCOL system table   Just as each row in the SYSIDX system view describes one index in the database, each row in the SYSIDXCOL system view describes one column of an index described in the SYSIDX system view. See SYSIDXCOL system view.

  • ISYSFKEY system table   Every foreign key in the database is defined by one row in the ISYSFKEY system table and one row in the ISYSIDX system table. See SYSFKEY system view.