Each row in the SYSUSER system view describes a user in the system. The underlying system table for this view is ISYSUSER.
Column name | Column type | Description |
user_id | UNSIGNED INT | A unique identifier for the user assigned to the login policy. |
object_id | UNSIGNED BIGINT | A unique identifier for the user in the database. |
user_name | CHAR(128) | The login name for the user. |
password | BINARY(128) | The password for the user. |
login_policy_id | UNSIGNED BIGINT | A unique identifier for the login policy. |
expired_password_on_login | TINYINT | Indicates if the user's password expires at the next login. |
password_creation_time | TIMESTAMP | The time the user's password was created. |
failed_login_attempts | UNSIGNED INT | The number of times a user can fail to log in before the account is locked. |
last_login_time | TIMESTAMP | The time the user last logged in. |
PRIMARY KEY (user_id)
FOREIGN KEY (object_id) references SYS.ISYSOBJECT (object_id) MATCH UNIQUE FULL
FOREIGN KEY (login_policy_id) references SYS.ISYSLOGINPOLICY (login_policy_id)
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