SYSVIEW system view

Each row in the SYSVIEW system view describes a view in the database. Additional information about views can also be found in the SYSTAB system view. The underlying system table for this view is ISYSVIEW.

You can also use the sa_materialized_view_info system procedure for a more readable format of the information for materialized views. See sa_materialized_view_info system procedure.

Column name Column type Description
view_object_id UNSIGNED BIGINT The object ID of the view.
view_def LONG VARCHAR The definition (query specification) of the view.
mv_build_type TINYINT Currently unused.
mv_refresh_type TINYINT The refresh type defined for the view. Possible values are IMMEDIATE and MANUAL. See Types of materialized views (manual and immediate).
mv_use_in_optimization TINYINT Whether the materialized view can be used during query optimization (0=cannot be used in optimization, 1=can be used in optimization). See Enabling and disabling optimizer use of a materialized view.
mv_last_refreshed_at TIMESTAMP Indicates the date and time that the materialized view was last refreshed.
mv_last_refreshed_tsn UNSIGNED BIGINT The sequence number assigned to the transaction that refreshed the materialized view.
mv_known_stale_at TIMESTAMP The time at which the materialized view became stale. This value corresponds to the time at which one of the underlying base tables was detected as having changed. A value of 0 indicates that the view is either fresh, or that it has become stale but the database server has not marked it as such because the view has not been used since it became stale. Use the sa_materialized_view_info system procedure to determine the status of a materialized view. See sa_materialized_view_info system procedure.

When a materialized view is refreshed with SNAPSHOT isolation, mv_last_refreshed_at and mv_last_refreshed_tsn refer to the earliest transaction that modified any row used during the computation of the materialized view contents.

Constraints on underlying system table

PRIMARY KEY (view_object_id)

FOREIGN KEY (view_object_id) references SYS.ISYSOBJECT (object_id) MATCH UNIQUE FULL

See also