SYSTEXTIDX system view

Each row in the SYSTEXTIDX system view describes one text index, for use with the full text search feature. The underlying system table for this view is ISYSTEXTIDX.

For more information about the full text search feature, see Full text search.

Column name Column type Description
index_id UNSIGNED BIGINT The object ID of the text index in SYSIDX.
sequence UNSIGNED INT For internal use only.
status UNSIGNED INT For internal use only.
text_config UNSIGNED BIGINT The object ID of the text configuration object in SYSTEXTCONFIG.
next_handle UNSIGNED INT For internal use only.
last_handle UNSIGNED INT For internal use only.
deleted_length UNSIGNED BIGINT The total size of deleted indexed values in the text index.
pending_length UNSIGNED BIGINT The total size of indexed values that will be added to the text index at the next refresh.
refresh_type TINYINT The type of refresh. One of:
  • 1 - MANUAL
  • 2 - AUTO
refresh_interval UNSIGNED INT The AUTO REFRESH interval, in minutes.
last_refresh TIMESTAMP The time of the last refresh.
Constraints on underlying system table

PRIMARY KEY (index_id, sequence)

FOREIGN KEY (index_id) references SYS.ISYSOBJECT (object_id)

FOREIGN KEY (text_config) references SYS.ISYSTEXTCONFIG (object_id)