SYSHISTORY system view

Each row in the SYSHISTORY system view records a system operation on the database, such as a database start, a database calibration, and so on. The underlying system table for this view is ISYSHISTORY.

Column name Column type Description
operation CHAR(128) The type of operation performed on the database file. The operation must be one of the following values:
  • INIT - Information about when the database was created.
  • UPGRADE - Information about when the database was upgraded.
  • START - Information about when the database was started using a specific version of the database server on a particular operating system.
  • LAST_START - Information about the most recent time the database server was started. A LAST_START operation is converted to a START operation when the database is started with a different version of the database server and/or on a different operating system than those values currently stored in the LAST_START row.
  • DTT - Information about the second to last Disk Transfer Time (DTT) calibration operation performed on the dbspace. That is, information on the second to last execution of either an ALTER DATABASE CALIBRATE or ALTER DATABASE RESTORE DEFAULT CALIBRATION statement.
  • LAST_DTT - Information about the most recent DTT calibration operation performed on the dbspace. That is, information on the most recent execution of either an ALTER DATABASE CALIBRATE or ALTER DATABASE RESTORE DEFAULT CALIBRATION statement.
  • LAST_BACKUP - Information about the last backup, including date and time of the backup, the backup type, the files that were backed up, and the version of database server that performed the backup.
object_id UNSIGNED INT For any operation other than DTT and LAST_DTT, the value in this column will be 0. For DTT and LAST_DTT operations, this is the dbspace_id of the dbspace as defined in the SYSDBSPACE system view. See SYSDBSPACE system view.
sub_operation CHAR(128) For any operation other than DTT and LAST_DTT, the value in this column will be a set of empty single quotes ("). For DTT and LAST_DTT operations, this column contains the type of sub-operation performed on the dbspace. Values include:
  • DTT_SET - The dbspace calibration has been set.
  • DTT_UNSET - The dbspace calibration has been restored to the default setting.
version CHAR(128) The version and build number of the database server used to carry out the operation.
platform CHAR(128) The operating system on which the operation was carried out.
first_time TIMESTAMP The date and time the database was first started on a particular operating system with a particular version of the software.
last_time TIMESTAMP The most recent date and time the database was started on a particular operating system with a particular version of the software.
details LONG VARCHAR This column stores information such as command line options used to start the database server or the capability bits enabled for the database. This information is for use by technical support.
Constraints on underlying system table

PRIMARY KEY (operation, object_id, version, platform)