sa_diagnostic_connection table

The sa_diagnostic_connection table is owned by the dbo user, and has one row for every database connection that is active during the logging session. Connect and disconnect times, if they occur within the logging session, can be derived from the sa_diagnostic_request table.

Most of the values in this table mirror values of connection properties.

There are two versions of this table: sa_diagnostic_connection, and sa_tmp_diagnostic_connection.

Column name Column type Column constraint Table constraints
logging_session_id UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL Primary key.
connection_number UNSIGNED INT Primary key.
connection_name LONG VARCHAR
user_name LONG VARCHAR
comm_link CHAR(40)
node_address LONG VARCHAR

logging_session_id   A number uniquely identifying the logging session during which the diagnostic information was gathered.

connection_number   A number assigned by the database server to identify the user's connection to the database. This value reflects the value of the Number connection property.

connection_name   Optional name property for the connection. This value reflects the value of the Name connection property.

user_name   The name of the user connected to the database.

comm_link   Specifies the client side network protocol options. This value reflects the value of the CommLinks connection property.

node_address   The node for the client in a client/server connection. This value reflects the value of the NodeAddress connection property.

appinfo   Information about the client process, such as the IP address of the client computer, the operating system it is running on, and so on. This value reflects the value of the AppInfo connection property.

See also