Each row in the SYSEXTERNLOGIN system view describes an external login for remote data access. The underlying system table for this view is ISYSEXTERNLOGIN.


Previous versions of the catalog contained a SYSEXTERNLOGINS system table. That table has been renamed to be ISYSEXTERNLOGIN (without an 'S'), and is the underlying table for this view.

Column name Column type Description
user_id UNSIGNED INT The user ID on the local database.
srvid UNSIGNED INT The remote server, as listed in the SYSSERVER system view.
remote_login VARCHAR(128) The login name for the user, for the remote server.
remote_password VARBINARY(128) The password for the user, for the remote server.
Constraints on underlying system table

PRIMARY KEY (user_id, srvid)

FOREIGN KEY (user_id) references SYS.ISYSUSER (user_id)

FOREIGN KEY (srvid) references SYS.ISYSSERVER (srvid)