SYSCOLSTAT system view

The SYSCOLSTAT system view contains the column statistics, including histograms, that are used by the optimizer. The contents of this view are best retrieved using the sa_get_histogram stored procedure or the Histogram utility. The underlying system table for this view is ISYSCOLSTAT.

Column name Column type Description
table_id UNSIGNED INT A number that uniquely identifies the table or materialized view to which the column belongs.
column_id UNSIGNED INT A number that, together with table_id, uniquely identifies the column.
format_id SMALLINT For system use only.
update_time TIMESTAMP The time of the last update of the column statistics.
density FLOAT An estimate of the average selectivity of a single value for the column, not counting the large single value selectivities stored in the row.
max_steps SMALLINT For system use only.
actual_steps SMALLINT For system use only.
step_values LONG BINARY For system use only.
frequencies LONG BINARY For system use only.
Constraints on underlying system table

PRIMARY KEY (table_id, column_id)

FOREIGN KEY (table_id, column_id) references SYS.ISYSTABCOL (table_id, column_id)