Introduction to system procedures

SQL Anywhere includes the following kinds of system procedures:

  • System procedures, for displaying system information in tabular form.
  • SOAP and HTTP services system procedures, for supporting web services.
  • MAPI and SMTP system procedures, for sending electronic mail.
  • Transact-SQL system and catalog procedures. See Adaptive Server Enterprise system and catalog procedures.

To view detailed information about system procedures and functions

  1. Connect to a database with DBA authority.

  2. Right-click the database and then choose Configure Owner Filter.

  3. Click DBO and then click OK.

  4. In the left pane, double-click Procedures & Functions.

  5. In the left pane, select the procedure and in the right pane click the SQL tab.

Web services system procedures
MAPI and SMTP procedures
Adaptive Server Enterprise system and catalog procedures