Building the sample ODBC program

The ODBC sample program is located in samples-dir\SQLAnywhere\C. A batch file (shell script for Unix) is included that can be used to compile and link all the sample applications located in this folder.

To build the sample ODBC program

  1. Open a command prompt and change directory to the samples-dir\SQLAnywhere\C directory.

  2. Run the build.bat or build64.bat batch file.

    For x64 platform builds, you may need to set up the correct environment for compiling and linking. Here is an example that builds the sample programs for an x64 platform.

    set mssdk=c:\MSSDK\v6.1

To build the sample ODBC program for Unix

  1. Open a command shell and change directory to the samples-dir\SQLAnywhere\C directory.

  2. Run the shell script.