Step 1: Deciding what software to deploy

You can install any combination of the following software bundles:

  • Interactive SQL
  • Sybase Central with the SQL Anywhere plug-in
  • Sybase Central with the MobiLink plug-in
  • Sybase Central with the QAnywhere plug-in
  • Sybase Central with the UltraLite plug-in
  • SQL Anywhere Console utility (dbconsole)

The following components are also required when installing any of the above software bundles:

  • The SQL Anywhere ODBC Driver
  • The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.6.0

To check your JRE version on Mac OS X, to go to the Apple menu, and then choose System Preferences » Software Updates. Click Installed Updates for a list of updates that have been applied. If Java 1.6.0 is not in the list, go to [external link]

The instructions in the following sections are structured so that you can install any (or all) of these six bundles without conflicts.