Step 4: Registering the Sybase Central plug-ins

This step involves the configuration of Sybase Central. If you are not installing Sybase Central, you can skip it.

Sybase Central requires a configuration file that lists the installed plug-ins. Your installer must create this file. Note that it contains full paths to a number of JAR files that may change depending on where the software is installed.

The file is called .scRepository600. It resides in the /opt/sqlanywhere11/sybcentral600 directory. It is a plain text file that contains some basic information about the plug-ins that Sybase Central should load.

The provider information for SQL Anywhere is created in the repository file using the following commands.

scjview -register "/opt/sa11/java/sqlanywhere.jpr"

The contents of the sqlanywhere.jpr file looks like this (some entries have been split across multiple lines for display purposes). The AdditionalClasspath lines must be entered on a single line in the .jpr file.

PluginName=SQL Anywhere 11

The sqlanywhere.jpr file was created in the java folder of the SQL Anywhere installation when you originally installed SQL Anywhere. Use it as the model for the .jpr file that you must create as part of the install process. There are also versions of this file for MobiLink and QAnywhere called mobilink.jpr and qanywhere.jpr respectively. They are also located in the java folder.

Here is a sample .scRepository600 file that was created using the process described above. Some entries have been split across multiple lines for display purposes. In the file, each entry appears on a single line:

#  Version:
#  Fri Feb 23 13:09:14 EST 2007
Providers/sqlanywhere1100/Name=SQL Anywhere 11
  • Your installer should create a file similar to this one using the techniques described above. The only changes required are the fully-qualified paths to the JAR files in the Classpath and AdditionalClasspath lines.
  • The AdditionalClasspath lines shown above have wrapped to take up additional lines. They must be on a single line in the .scRepository600 file.
  • Forward slash characters (/) are represented with an escape sequence of \_ in the .scRepository600 file.
  • The first line indicates the version of the .scRepository600 file.
  • The lines beginning with # are comments.

For more information about deploying databases and database applications, see Deploying databases and applications.