A DBTools example

You can find this sample and instructions for compiling it in the samples-dir\SQLAnywhere\DBTools directory. The sample program itself is in main.cpp. The sample illustrates how to use the DBTools library to perform a backup of a database.

#define WIN32

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "windows.h"
#include "sqldef.h"
#include "dbtools.h" 
extern short _callback ConfirmCallBack( char * str )
    if( MessageBox( NULL, str, "Backup",
        return 1;
    return 0;
extern short _callback MessageCallBack( char * str )
    if( str != NULL )
        fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", str );
    return 0;
extern short _callback StatusCallBack( char * str )
    if( str != NULL )
        fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", str );
    return 0;
extern short _callback ErrorCallBack( char * str )
    if( str != NULL )
        fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", str );
    return 0;
typedef void (CALLBACK *DBTOOLSPROC)( void * );
typedef short (CALLBACK *DBTOOLSFUNC)( void * );

// Main entry point into the program.
int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
    a_dbtools_info  dbt_info;
    a_backup_db     backup_info;
    char            dir_name[ _MAX_PATH + 1];
    char            connect[ 256 ];
    HINSTANCE       hinst;
    DBTOOLSFUNC     dbbackup;
    DBTOOLSFUNC     dbtoolsinit;
    DBTOOLSPROC     dbtoolsfini;
    short           ret_code;

    // Always initialize to 0 so new versions
    // of the structure will be compatible.
    memset( &dbt_info, 0, sizeof( a_dbtools_info ) );
    dbt_info.errorrtn = (MSG_CALLBACK)MessageCallBack;;

    memset( &backup_info, 0, sizeof( a_backup_db ) );
    backup_info.version = DB_TOOLS_VERSION_NUMBER;
    backup_info.quiet = 0;
    backup_info.no_confirm = 0;
    backup_info.confirmrtn = (MSG_CALLBACK)ConfirmCallBack;
    backup_info.errorrtn = (MSG_CALLBACK)ErrorCallBack;
    backup_info.msgrtn = (MSG_CALLBACK)MessageCallBack;
    backup_info.statusrtn = (MSG_CALLBACK)StatusCallBack;
    if( argc > 1 )
        strncpy( dir_name, argv[1], _MAX_PATH );
        // DBTools does not expect (or like) a trailing slash
        strcpy( dir_name, "c:\\temp" );
    backup_info.output_dir = dir_name;
    if( argc > 2 )
        strncpy( connect, argv[2], 255 );
        strcpy( connect, "DSN=SQL Anywhere 11 Demo" );
    backup_info.connectparms = connect;
    backup_info.quiet = 0;
    backup_info.no_confirm = 0;
    backup_info.backup_database = 1;
    backup_info.backup_logfile = 1;
    backup_info.rename_log = 0;
    backup_info.truncate_log = 0;
    hinst = LoadLibrary( "dbtool11.dll" );
    if( hinst == NULL )
        // Failed
        return EXIT_FAIL;
    dbbackup = (DBTOOLSFUNC) GetProcAddress( (HMODULE)hinst,
        "_DBBackup@4" );
    dbtoolsinit = (DBTOOLSFUNC) GetProcAddress( (HMODULE)hinst,
        "_DBToolsInit@4" );
    dbtoolsfini = (DBTOOLSPROC) GetProcAddress( (HMODULE)hinst,
        "_DBToolsFini@4" );
    ret_code = (*dbtoolsinit)( &dbt_info );
    if( ret_code != EXIT_OKAY ) {
        return ret_code;
    ret_code = (*dbbackup)( &backup_info );
    (*dbtoolsfini)( &dbt_info );
    FreeLibrary( hinst );
    return ret_code;