Deploying OLE DB and ADO clients

The simplest way to deploy OLE DB client libraries is to use the Deployment Wizard. For more information, see Using the Deployment Wizard.

If you want to create your own installation, this section describes the files to deploy to the end users.

Each OLE DB client computer must have the following:

  • A working OLE DB installation   OLE DB files and instructions for their redistribution are available from Microsoft Corporation. They are not described in detail here.

  • The SQL Anywhere OLE DB provider   The following table shows the files needed for a working SQL Anywhere OLE DB provider. These files should be placed in a single directory. The SQL Anywhere installation places them all in the operating-system subdirectory of your SQL Anywhere installation directory (for example, bin32 or bin64). For Windows, there are two provider DLLs. The second DLL (dboledba11) is an assist DLL used to provide schema support. There is no second DLL for Windows Mobile.

Description Windows Windows Mobile
OLE DB driver file dboledb11.dll dboledb11.dll
OLE DB driver file dboledba11.dll N/A
Language-resource library dblg[en]11.dll dblg[en]11.dll
Connect window dbcon11.dll N/A
Elevated operations agent dbelevate11.exe N/A

OLE DB providers require many registry entries. You can make these by self-registering the DLLs using the regsvr32 utility on Windows or the regsvrce utility on Windows Mobile.

Note that for Windows Vista or later versions of Windows, you must include the SQL Anywhere elevated operations agent which supports the privilege elevation required when DLLs are registered or unregistered. This file is only required as part of the OLE DB provider install or uninstall procedure.

For Windows clients, it is recommended that you use Microsoft MDAC 2.7 or later.

When deploying OLE DB applications to Windows Mobile devices, you must also include Microsoft's ADOCE version 3.1 (or later). At minimum, the following files are required.

msdaerXX.dll (where XX is the 2 letter language code, EN for English)

The Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) files msdadc.dll and msdaer.dll must be registered on the device.

For more information, see Creating a Windows Mobile database.

Customizing the OLE DB provider