Opening and closing a connection

Generally, you open a single connection to a database and then perform all the required operations through it by executing a sequence of SQL statements. To open a connection, you use the connect method. The return value is a handle to the database connection that you use to perform subsequent operations on that connection.

The parameters to the connect method are as follows:

  1. "DBI:SQLAnywhere:" and additional connection parameters separated by semicolons.
  2. A user name. Unless this string is blank, ";UID=value" is appended to the connection string.
  3. A password value. Unless this string is blank, ";PWD=value" is appended to the connection string.
  4. A pointer to a hash of default values. Settings such as AutoCommit, RaiseError, and PrintError may be set in this manner.

The following code sample opens and closes a connection to the SQL Anywhere sample database. You must start the database server and sample database before running this script.

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use DBI;
use strict;
my $database = "demo";
my $data_src = "DBI:SQLAnywhere:ENG=$database;DBN=$database";
my $uid      = "DBA";
my $pwd      = "sql";
my %defaults = (
     AutoCommit => 1, # Autocommit enabled.
     PrintError => 0  # Errors not automatically printed.
my $dbh = DBI->connect($data_src, $uid, $pwd, \%defaults)
  or die "Cannot connect to $data_src: $DBI::errstr\n";

Optionally, you can append the user name or password value to the data-source string instead of supplying them as separate parameters. If you do so, supply a blank string for the corresponding argument. For example, in the above script may be altered by replacing the statement that opens the connections with these statements:

$data_src .= ";UID=$uid";
$data_src .= ";PWD=$pwd";
my $dbh = DBI->connect($data_src, '', '', \%defaults)
  or die "Can't connect to $data_source: $DBI::errstr\n";