Introduction to DBD::SQLAnywhere

The DBD::SQLAnywhere interface provides access to SQL Anywhere databases from scripts written in Perl. DBD::SQLAnywhere is a driver for the Database Independent Interface for Perl (DBI) module written by Tim Bunce. Once you have installed the DBI module and DBD::SQLAnywhere, you can access and change the information in SQL Anywhere databases from Perl.

The DBD::SQLAnywhere driver is thread-safe when using Perl with ithreads.


The DBD::SQLAnywhere interface requires the following components.

  • Perl 5.6.0 or newer. On Windows, ActivePerl 5.6.0 build 616 or later is required.
  • DBI 1.34 or newer.
  • A C compiler. On Windows, only the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler is supported.

The following sections provide assistance with installing Perl, DBI, and the DBD::SQLAnywhere driver software.