Availability of cursors

Not all interfaces provide support for all types of cursors.

  • ADO.NET provides only forward-only, read-only cursors.
  • ADO/OLE DB and ODBC support all types of cursors.

    For more information, see Working with result sets.

  • Embedded SQL supports all types of cursors.
  • For JDBC:
    • The iAnywhere JDBC driver supports the JDBC 2.0 and JDBC 3.0 specifications and permits the declaration of insensitive, sensitive, and forward-only asensitive cursors.
    • jConnect 5.5 and 6.0.5 support the declaration of insensitive, sensitive, and forward-only asensitive cursors in the same manner as the iAnywhere JDBC driver. However, the underlying implementation of jConnect only supports asensitive cursor semantics.

      For more information about declaring JDBC cursors, see Requesting SQL Anywhere cursors.

  • Sybase Open Client supports only asensitive cursors. Also, a severe performance penalty results when using updatable, non-unique cursors.