Stopping a database

You can stop a database by:

  • Disconnecting from a database started by a connection string. Unless you explicitly set the AutoStop (ASTOP) connection parameter to NO, this happens automatically.

    See AutoStop connection parameter [ASTOP].

  • Using the STOP DATABASE statement from Interactive SQL or embedded SQL.

    See STOP DATABASE statement.

With both Sybase Central and Interactive SQL, you can stop a database running on a database server. You cannot stop a database you are currently connected to. You must first disconnect from the database, and then stop it. You must be connected to another database on the same database server to stop a database.

For more detailed information about stopping a database, see Running the database server.

To stop a database on a server after disconnecting (Sybase Central)

  1. Make sure you are connected to at least one other database on the same database server. If there is no other database running on the server, you can connect to the utility database.

  2. Select the database you want to stop and choose File » Stop Database.

When disconnecting from the database, the database may disappear from the left pane. This occurs if your connection was the only remaining connection, and if AUTOSTOP was specified when the database was started. AUTOSTOP causes the database to be stopped automatically when the last connection disconnects.

To stop a database on a server after disconnecting (SQL)

  1. If you aren't connected to any database on the server, then connect to a database such as the utility database.

  2. Execute a STOP DATABASE statement.


The following statements connect to the utility database and stops the tempdb database.

CONNECT to 'TestEng' DATABASE utility_db
AS conn2

You must be connected to a database to stop another database.

See also