Special groups

When you create a database, the SYS, PUBLIC, and dbo groups are also automatically created. None of these groups has passwords, so it is not possible to connect to the database as SYS, PUBLIC, or dbo. However, these groups serve important functions in the database.

The SYS group

The SYS group owns the system tables and views for the database, which contain the full description of database structure, including all database objects and all user IDs.

For more information about the system tables and views, together with a description of access to the tables, see Tables and System views.

The PUBLIC group

The PUBLIC group has SELECT permission on the system tables. As well, the PUBLIC group is a member of the SYS group, and has read access for some of the system tables and views, so any user of the database can find out information about the database schema. If you want to restrict this access, you can REVOKE PUBLIC's membership in the SYS group.

Any new user ID is automatically a member of the PUBLIC group and inherits any permissions specifically granted to that group by a user with DBA authority. You can also REVOKE membership in PUBLIC for users if you want.

The dbo group

The dbo group owns many system stored procedures and views. The dbo group is a member of the SYS group. The PUBLIC group is a member of the dbo group. The dbo group also owns tables used for UltraLite and MobiLink.