Stopping the database server

You can stop the database server by:

  • Clicking Shut Down on the database server messages window.
  • Using the dbstop utility.

    The dbstop utility is particularly useful in batch files, or for stopping a server on another computer. It requires a connection string in its command. See Stop Server utility (dbstop).

  • Letting it shut down automatically by default when the application disconnects.
  • Pressing Q when the database server messages window has the focus on Unix.

To stop a server using the dbstop utility

  1. Start a server. For example, the following command executed from the SQL Anywhere installation directory starts a server named Ottawa using the sample database:

    dbsrv11 -n Ottawa samples-dir\demo.db
  2. Stop the server using dbstop:

    dbstop -c "ENG=Ottawa;UID=DBA;PWD=sql"

Who can stop the server?
Shutting down operating system sessions