StartLine connection parameter [START]

Starts a personal database server running from an application.


Embedded databases




No StartLine parameter.


You should supply a StartLine (START) connection parameter only if you are connecting to a database server that is not currently running. The StartLine connection parameter is a command line to start a personal database server. The database server is not autostarted if the CommLinks [LINKS] parameter includes TCPIP.


If you want to specify the database name, database file, or server, it is recommended that you use the DBN, DBF, and ENG connection parameters, rather than the StartLine connection parameter.

The following command uses the recommended syntax:

START=dbeng11 -c 8M;ENG=mydb;DBN=mydb;DBF=c:\sample.db

The following syntax is not recommended:

START=dbeng11 -c 8M -n mydb "c:\sample.db"

For more information about available options, see The SQL Anywhere database server.


The StartLine connection parameter is only used to start a database server if a connection cannot be made to the specified database server or the database cannot be started and connected to on a database server that is already running. For example, suppose you start a database server running a database as follows:

dbeng11 c:\mydb.db

Connect another database (without specifying a database server name using the ENG connection parameter):

dbisql -c "START=dbsrv11 -c 8M;DBN=seconddb;DBF=c:\myseconddb.db;UID=DBA;PWD=sql"

In this case, the dbsrv11 database server is not started. Instead, the dbeng11 database server that was used to start mydb.db is used to start and connect to myseconddb.db.

However, if ENG=server-name had been specified, and a server named server-name was not already running, then the dbsrv11 database server would have started.

See also

The following data source fragment starts a personal database server with a cache of 8 MB.

StartLine=dbeng11 -c 8M;DBF=samples-dir\demo.db

For information about samples-dir, see Samples directory.