Start the database server

The way you start the database server varies slightly depending on the operating system you use. This section describes how to specify commands for the simple case of running a single database with default settings on each supported operating system.

  • Except where otherwise noted, these commands start the personal server (dbeng11). To start a network server, replace dbeng11 with dbsrv11.
  • If the database file is in the starting directory for the command, you do not need to specify path.
  • If you do not specify a file extension in database-file, the extension .db is assumed.

To start the personal database server using default options (Windows except Windows Mobile)

  • Run the following command:

    dbeng11 path\database-file

    If you omit the database file, the Server Startup Options window appears where you can locate a database file by clicking Browse.

For more information about starting a database server on Windows Mobile, see Connecting to a database running on a Windows Mobile device.

To start the personal database server using default options (Unix)

  • Run the following command:

    dbeng11 path/database-file