Creating Windows services

This section describes how to set up services using Sybase Central and the Service utility.

To create a new service (Sybase Central)

  1. In the left pane, select SQL Anywhere 11.

  2. In the right pane, click the Services tab.

  3. From the File menu, choose New » Service.

    The Create Service Wizard appears.

  4. Follow the instructions in the wizard.


You can also create services for the MobiLink plug-in. See Running the MobiLink server outside the current session.

To create a new service (Command line)

  • Run a dbsvc command that includes the -w option.

    For example, to create a personal server service called myserv where the database server runs as the LocalSystem user, enter the following command:

    dbsvc -as -w myserv "c:\Program Files\SQL Anywhere 11\bin32\dbeng11.exe"
     -n william -c 8m "c:\temp\sample.db"

See Service utility (dbsvc) for Windows.

  • Service names must be unique within the first eight characters.
  • If you choose to start a service automatically, it starts whenever the computer starts Windows. If you choose to start the service manually, you need to start the service from Sybase Central each time. You may want to select Disabled if you are setting up a service for future use.
  • When creating a service in Sybase Central, type options for the executable, without the executable name itself, in the window. For example, if you want a network server to run using the sample database with a cache size of 20 MB and the name myserver, you would type the following in the Parameters text box of the Create Service Wizard in Sybase Central:
    -c 20M
    -n myserver samples-dir\demo.db

    Line breaks are optional.

  • Choose the account under which the service will run: the special LocalSystem account or another user ID.

    For more information about this choice, see Setting the account options.

  • If you want the service to be accessible from the Windows desktop, select Allow Service To Interact With Desktop. If this option is cleared, no icon appears in the system tray and neither do any windows appear on the desktop.

See Configuring Windows services.