Introduction to using SQL Anywhere with Replication Server

Replication Server is a connection-based technology intended for the two-way replication of transactions. It is well suited to replication between a small number of enterprise databases connected by a high-speed network, generally with an administrator at each site. In such a setup, it is possible to achieve lag times as low as a few seconds.

You can also replicate SQL Anywhere data using MobiLink and SQL Remote.


Before you begin

Replication Server administrators who are setting up SQL Anywhere to take part in their Replication Server installation will find this chapter especially useful. You should have knowledge of Replication Server documentation, and familiarity with the Replication Server product. This chapter does not describe Replication Server itself.

For information about Replication Server, including design, commands, and administration, see your Replication Server documentation.


SQL Anywhere includes components that allow you to use SQL Anywhere databases in a Replication Server system. Replication Server is not included as part of your SQL Anywhere installation.

Separately licensed option required

The Log Transfer Manager (LTM), which is the SQL Anywhere Replication Agent for Sybase Replication Server, is required for any SQL Anywhere database that participates in a Sybase Replication Server installation as a primary site. The license that is required for the LTM must be ordered separately. If SQL Anywhere is used as the replicate site, the LTM is not needed.

For more information, see Separately licensed components.

Replication Server characteristics
Replicate sites and primary sites
Replicate site components
Primary site components