Tutorial: Replicate data using Replication Server

This section provides a step-by-step tutorial describing how to replicate data from a primary database to a replicate database. Both databases in the tutorial are SQL Anywhere databases.

Replication Server assumed

This section assumes you have a running Replication Server.

For more information about how to install or configure Replication Server, see the Replication Server documentation.

What is in the tutorial

This tutorial describes how to replicate only tables.

For information about replicating procedures, see Preparing procedures and functions for replication.

The tutorial uses a simple example of a (very) primitive office news system: a single table with an ID column holding an integer, a column holding the user ID of the author of the news item, and a column holding the text of the news item. The id column and the author column make up the primary key.

Before you work through the tutorial, create a directory (for example, c:\tutorial) to hold the files you create in the tutorial.

Lesson 1: Create the SQL Anywhere databases
Lesson 2: Start the database servers
Lesson 3: Set up the Open Servers in your system
Lesson 4: Confirm that the Open Servers are configured properly
Lesson 5: Add Replication Server information to the primary database
Lesson 6: Create the table for the primary database
Lesson 7: Add Replication Server information to the replicate database
Lesson 8: Create the tables for the replicate database
Lesson 9: Set up Replication Server
Lesson 10: Enter data at the primary site for replication